
While the words you’re about to read may be somewhat morbid, they’re not meant to scare you. Death is only the beginning. The genesis to the eternal. The gateway to immortality. The transition event of mortal man to immortality. Death is not the end of existence, but the beginning of immortality. We are all immortalContinue reading “Immortality”

Give Peace a Chance

“Teaching a child to hate is the worst form of child abuse” – Unknown When I heard this statement it got me thinking… To teach a child to hate is to take away their innocence. Hate in the heart is equivalent to murder before God. Hate is the genesis of violence and wickedness. There canContinue reading “Give Peace a Chance”

Walk by Faith

Did you know that your Natural senses can deceive you? The sense of sight, sound, touch, smell and even taste can deceive you into believing false information. That is why God said in the Bible, “Walk by faith not by sight…” and also, “Walk in the spirit…” Therefore regardless of what you’re seeing, hearing, feeling,Continue reading “Walk by Faith”

Random Fiction: Boy Meets Girl

Random fiction is your’s truly writing fictional stories inspired by random images from the internet and/or pictures taken. The cold air was unforgiving, even with several layers of clothing and a thick overcoat, he just couldn’t quite keep warm, there was no getting used to the cold climate. He felt as though today’s weather wasContinue reading “Random Fiction: Boy Meets Girl”

Random Fiction: Writers Block

Random fiction is your’s truly writing short stories of fiction, inspired by random images from the internet. He stared at the blank screen of the computer, his hands idle by the side of the key board, he couldn’t remember for how long it had been like this, he had determined to sit in the chair tillContinue reading “Random Fiction: Writers Block”

An Excerpt- Lonely at the Top

CHAPTER 3 LONELY AT THE TOP He looked out the window of the hotel room; the view was breath-taking from the 30th floor of the five-star hotel. He looked around the exquisite finish of the luxury suite again, trying to take it all in, he shook his head and smiled, then raised the glass of ChampagneContinue reading “An Excerpt- Lonely at the Top”